Political engagement: why your opinion matters
Political engagement: this is a topic that I was resistant to approach and discuss for quite some time, but seeing how things are going in many countries, including mine (Brazil), I realize that it cannot be avoided. Actually, it must not be avoided.
Several important decisions are made by politicians, including how much money is invested in and how the education, health, and infrastructure budgets are used. We are talking about fundamental services that should be provided or at least regulated in a proper manner by our leaders. Although you may not like to think about your country’s current president, governor of your state or the mayor of your city, you have to acknowledge that they are leading important parts of your life. Especially regarding urban life in which everything is tightly connected with the public services. The amount in fees and taxes you pay should give in return adequate services and boost the economy towards a better future.
When you take all of this into consideration, it becomes easier to understand that the politicians who are in charge, at least temporarily, to these important positions, are indeed one of the most important faces of our society. And they are elected by the population, which includes you, your friends and relatives.
My opinion is that when you don’t vote, you give the chance to other people decide who will be in charge for you. And don’t think that because you are only one person that this is not relevant… because it is highly relevant. Besides giving your own opinion through a vote, you could also discuss the main concerns and priorities that should be addressed by the politicians, therefore influencing others and understanding their point of view.
The main problems that a modern society faces are generally the same: environmental problems including scarcity of resources (water, energy, food, etc.), safety, education, health system, and basic infrastructure (public transport, roads, telecommunications, waste treatment, etc.), among others. Each of these points may or may not be adequate in your region, which requires different opinions and approaches to address and solve them.
When you put your voice to be heard, a wave of change is created around you. When you get more people together, then this voice becomes louder to the point when it’s heard by who is in power. There are many ways of doing that, like for example a petition. Nowadays there are many platforms that you can use to create a petition to demand important things.
The websites (www.change.org) and (www.avaaz.org) are good examples.
Another way is via emailing your candidate, participating in audiences or following up the candidate’s promises after being elected. There is always a way to reach them, and because the process is slow or you don’t see the change, it doesn’t mean that you can give up. They actually expect you to give up and don’t demand them in what they promised. There are many interests behind the politicians and their hidden agendas. Nevertheless, you can’t give up.
We are facing so many problems nowadays. Most of them which are created by ourselves with the disorganized population growth and overuse of natural resources.
I believe that everything starts with education and proper values and behaviours. We need to educate and provide fundamental values to our young generation, and most of all: give them good examples. If corruption is the main problem in the government, then watch around you to not commit the same in your daily life. Try to positively influence your peers and create a wave of change.
You can’t be only sitting and expect that something will change if you don’t change. Your opinion matters, and most of all, your actions make the difference.