Sometimes you just have to do it
At this right moment when you are reading this text, your mind is probably asking why you don’t do what should be done. Of course, at the same time, there is another part of your brain trying to protect yourself from something that you don’t even really know.
This situation happens to everyone and more often than we think. During our growth, we create preferences for some things in detriment to others. We also suffer some small losses and face some situations in which we feel inadequate or not prepared for. Then we create a kind of fence around this subject or similar situations and start avoiding that. You know what? You should check if this fear is real or only your imagination. In many cases the problem is only in our head and as long as it is not solved, there is nobody around who could help us. Especially if we are locked from inside.
This is a very important topic for a shy person, for example, or for someone who needs to leave a bad relationship, or even for leaving that unsatisfying job. Your life is really too short to be spent this way. If you don’t do it now, later you will realise that a portion of your life was wasted, or at least not completely fulfilled with what makes you happy most.
Keep in mind that this experience of facing fear is just part of your learning path. You can’t evolve without breaking those old rusted chains that are holding you back. After doing this, you will feel much lighter and motivated to face new challenges. You will realise that you are more capable than you thought you were.
For this reason, I invite you to do what should be done. You know what it is. Just take the next chance and do it.