Topic of the day: Pursuing a dream
Every person has a dream, sometimes many dreams. This is a fact that it’s true even for the ones who forgot their dreams during the transition from childhood to the adult life. In many cases, their dreams changed over time and what seemed to be important before is not anymore. And that is ok if you are going after new dreams, as long as you don’t get stuck in the routine and just live as if what you have now is everything you can achieve.
Our dreams are like an engine that pushes us to do different things, to learn new subjects, to meet new people, and evolve as a human being. There are many possibilities and the limit is basically your imagination. Do you want to work in a different company? Or maybe in a different field? Which places you have seen on the TV and would like to visit? Which people you saw a documentary about and would like to meet? Are you thinking about starting a new hobby or practicing a new sport?
You can do it, as long as you assume those dreams and put them visible in your horizon. Our mind can create many things, although most people give up before even giving it a try. And the truth is that there is no excuse if you are not pursuing your dreams. In fact, it’s only up to you to manage your time, relations and create the necessary environment for turning your dreams into reality.
If you came up to here reading this article, probably you have your own dreams which are there waiting for your actions. Write them down. Put them in a timeline and try to visualize how you could make those dreams come true. You will probably find some answers ready to be implemented. If the dream seems too far, try to see every step in that direction as an achievement. That can definitely help you to keep on track and maintain the motivation when things get hard. Maybe you will have to take some decisions that you have been postponing until now. It’s always a trade-off: you can’t do everything at the same time, but you should put the important things first.
Don’t wait until the end of life to look back and realize that you could have done things differently and pursued those dreams you had when you were younger. It’s never too late to start. If you are in your 20–30s, or in your 50–60s, it doesn’t matter much because people have different times, and the perception of time also varies for each individual. Many famous entrepreneurs started their successful careers after the 40s. You can do in 5–10 years what you haven’t done in your entire life.
The main point is that you have to start. And after that, you have to continue at least one step a time in the chosen direction. Over time you will realize that your dreams are not so far and new ones will appear. Just don’t let them die. If you had a dream and thought that it could be possible, then probably it is possible. You just have to pursue it and turn it into reality.